Blogs » Arts & Culture » NBA 2K22 Update Patch 1.013 brings more tweaks and improvements

NBA 2K22 Update Patch 1.013 brings more tweaks and improvements

  • Season 4 received its first six-week update to NBA 2K22. The official patch notes have not been released, but it can be confirmed that, as of now, this NBA 2K22 update is next gen specific. Players can buy NBA 2K22 MT for more fun. Here’s a little about NBA 2K22 Update 1.013.

    NBA 2K22 Update 1.013 on PS5. NBA 2K22 has been updated to give players a smoother gaming experience. And many players also buy NBA 2K22 MT for a better gaming experience. The latest NBA 2K22 update was released on January 24, 2022. It’s not a big update compared to the update that released on January 11, but it’s still a pretty big 306.2 on PS5.

    Players know that next gen systems have been experiencing some bugs recently, which are likely to be fixed by an update. However, the extent of the update is unclear. For now, players can assume game tweaks and bug fixes are the goal. As of now, the NBA 2K22 update patch notes are still hidden, but players may indeed notice some major changes to the gameplay.

    On PS5, the update size is 306.2 MB, and the version is NBA 2K22 update version 1.013. The Xbox Series X|S update number is and is about the same size. Considering that it recently received a huge NBA 2K22 update, the latest could be a simple similarity update. Either way, it’s great to see the game hold up well. Players can Buy MT at GameMS in advance and get more relevant updates there.